Axon Audio Scene Download Listing
Here you will find the entire I Love Bees "Axon" plot - the full audio drama, downloadable scene by scene and ordered accordingly.
What is an "axon"? The axon is essentially a digital 'neuron' of the AI that lived on our internet in 2004. As each axon fired, as it were (in the form of communications, phone calls, to payphones around the North America and overseas), we overheard approximately 30 second audio surveillance clips from events taking place in 2552; though not in any particular order. These surveillance clips were collected by the community and sorted and compiled chronologically as best as could be done so as to piece together the full events that were being overheard. Each week, multiple individuals and events were surveilled via their personal communication devices, "chatters".
The same audio clips are available via ilovebees.com, but only in their raw 30 second clips or by subject (character) and week. The clips as compiled on this page are ordered as they took place chronologically within each week, in a way that seems to flow the best in the story unfolding. (there are a few various opinions about the best ordering of the scenes below)
The drama itself can be enjoyed independently from the rest of the ILB campaign, but in full it spans about 5 1/2 hours play time.
To set the stage - the introduction scene for each character takes place simultaneously and immediately after a very significant wide-reaching electromagnetic event plays havoc with power and communications systems in 2552...
Full Audio Drama as M3U Playlist
Full MP3 Archive [ZIP] (127MB)
Full audio transcript
(right click and save target to download the audio)
Week 1
Scene I-1 - Jan, The Walk-Away Girl Scene II-1 - Kamal, The Arrangement Scene II-2 - Kamal, Post Date Pains Scene II-3 - Kamal, Kamal's Blind Date Scene II-4 - Kamal, Sophia's Ghost Scene II-5 - Kamal, Sophia's Request Scene II-6 - Kamal, The Answering Machine Scene II-7 - Kamal, How To Ruin a Date Scene III-1 - Herzog, The Cranky Old Man Scene IV-1 - Jersey, Boy Meets Girl Scene IV-2 - Jan, The Interrogation Scene V-1 - Jan, Taking Care of Business Scene V-2 - Jersey, Paris Burning Week 2
Scene I-1 - Kamal, The Pony Tail Scene I-2 - Kamal, Dinner Invitation Scene I-3 - Kamal, Code Word Scene I-4 - Kamal, Interview Dinner Scene I-5 - Kamal, Peace Offering Scene II-1 - Jan, Witness Scene II-2 - Jan, Blackmail Scene II-3 - Jan, Dead Right There Scene II-4 - Jan, Jan's Specialty Scene III-1 - Herzog, The Candidate Scene III-2 - Jersey, SpyHard? Week 3
Scene I-1 - Jan, The Love of an Aunt Scene I-2 - Jan, Babysitter Challenge Scene I-3 - Jan, Gimme Some Skin Scene I-4 - Jan, Gimme Your Resume Scene II-1 - Jersey, Audit Blues Scene III-1 - Herzog, The Artifact Report Scene IV-1 - Kamal, Nuke It Up Scene IV-2 - Kamal, Surgical Procedures Scene IV-3 - Kamal, Rough Memories Scene IV-4 - Kamal, Goodnight Kiss Week 4
Scene I-1 - Kamal, Whatever's Good Scene I-2 - Kamal, Casino Security Scene I-3 - Kamal, Buckled Slingbacks Scene II-1 - Jan, Moving On Up Scene II-2 - Jan, Just Letting You Know Scene II-3 - Jan, A Card and Flowers Scene III-1 - Jersey, The Audit Scene IV-1 - Rani, Rani and the Boston Thug Scene IV-2 - Rani, Girls Talk Scene IV-3 - Rani, The Apartment Scene IV-4 - Rani, Fabulous Print/Fab Scene IV-5 - Rani, Friday Works Scene IV-6 - Rani, Purple Kitten Scene V-1 - Jersey, Team Dur...sey Scene VI-1 - Herzog, Full Marks Week 5
Scene I-1 - Kamal, Tony's Team Scene I-2 - Kamal, Good Luck Scene I-3 - Kamal, Dead Broke Scene I-4 - Kamal, The Reward Scene I-5 - Kamal, Cash Out Scene II-1 - Rani, The Technicolor Wedding Dress Scene II-2 - Rani, Pre-Wedding Jitters Scene II-3 - Rani, No More Family Papers Scene II-4 - Rani, Reach... Scene II-5 - Rani, Romancing the Cemetery Scene III-1 - Jan, Spartan Revelation Scene III-2 - Jan, Like Mother Like Daughter Scene III-3 - Jan, 1.0 Scene III-4 - Jan, Housekeeping Scene IV-1 - Jersey, Family Scene V-1 - Herzog, Old School Pinache Week 6
Scene I-1 - Kamal, Trouble in the Bathroom Scene I-2 - Kamal, Take Me Home Scene II-1 - Jan, Lie For Me Scene II-2 - Jan, Off the Grid Scene II-3 - Jan, Ah the Memories Scene III-1 - Jersey, Mom's Affair Scene III-2 - Jersey, Mad Face Scene III-3 - Jersey, Again Scene IV-1 - Rani, Up On the Rooftop Scene IV-2 - Rani, Deadbeat Scene IV-3 - Rani, Emergency Medical Advice Scene IV-4 - Rani, In Too Far Scene V-1 - Herzog, The Black Op Scene V-2 - Herzog, Skeletons Week 7
Scene I-1 - Rani, One Means Wounded Scene I-2 - Rani, New Friends Scene I-3 - Rani, Take Comfort Scene I-4 - Rani, Joe Blow Scene II-1 - Kamal, The New Plan Scene II-2 - Kamal, Doctor-Science Scene II-3 - Kamal, A Bitter Taste Scene II-4 - Kamal, Seen a Ghost Scene III-1 - Jan, The Knife Scene III-2 - Jan, Love Me Scene IV-1 - Jersey, Spygame Scene V-1 - Jan, Cleaning Up Scene VI-1 - Herzog, Moley Moley Moley Week 8
Scene I-1 - Kamal, Peeping Tom Scene I-2 - Kamal, Ask Me How I Am Scene I-3 - Kamal, There's No Place Like... Scene I-4 - Kamal, Downpour Scene II-1 - Jersey, Miss Manners Scene III-1 - Jan, Almost Mother Scene III-2 - Jan, James Scene III-3 - Jan, Talk Away Scene III-4 - Jan, Ms.Swanson Scene IV-1 - Jersey, The Girl Had To Be Real Scene V-1 - Rani, Home Sweet Bunker Scene V-2 - Rani, Pension Plan Scene V-3 - Rani, Why oh why Scene V-4 - Rani, The Details Scene V-5 - Rani, Like A Grenade Scene VI-1 - Herzog, Speedy Results Week 9
Scene I-1 - Kamal, Don't Be Late Scene I-2 - Kamal, The Devil's Breath Mints Scene I-3 - Kamal, Good Samaritan Scene II-1 - Jan, The Plan Scene II-2 - Jan, Tactics Scene II-3 - Jan, Hog Jump! Scene III-1 - Jersey, I Dream Of... Scene IV-1 - Rani, Interception Scene IV-2 - Rani, A Slice of Pie Scene IV-3 - Rani, Leftovers Scene IV-4 - Rani, Pep Talk Scene V-1 - Herzog, All I've Got Week 10
Scene I-1 - Kamal, Flirtsy McHelper Scene I-2 - Kamal, Reunion Scene I-3 - Kamal, Online Once More Scene II-1 - Jan, Enlist Me! Scene II-2 - Jan, Mission Impossible Scene III-1 - Rani, Curious Girl Scene III-2 - Rani, Stalker Scene III-3 - Rani, Join the Party Scene IV-1 - Jersey, Team Dur-Ka-Ra-Ja-sey! Scene V-1 - Herzog, A Drink On The Planet Live Transmission
Scene 1 - The Ride Scene 2 - Monkey Business Scene 3 - Pickup Sticks Scene 4 - Vacsuit Scene 5 - Observation Bay Scene 6 - Claustrophobic? Scene 7 - Mission Calculus Scene 8 - Top Hats Scene 9 - The Stall Scene 10 - Going Down Scene 11 - Elbow to the Jaw Scene 12 - Ruptured Scene 13 - Hold Still Scene 14 - This Medium Scene 15 - Very Young Scene 16 - Terrorists Scene 17 - Classified Scene 18 - Only Way Out Scene 19 - Scorpion Scene 20 - Vital Signs Week 11
Scene I-1 - Rani, Jailbird Scene I-2 - Rani, Back Off Scene II-1 - Jersey, Be All You Can Be Scene II-2 - Jersey, The Truth Scene III-1 - Jan, What You Can Bare Scene III-2 - Jan, Broomsticks Scene IV-1 - Kamal, Ms.Durga, DA Scene IV-2 - Kamal, Learning to Cook Scene V-1 - Rani, A Hunch Scene VI-1 - Jan, Head Spinny Look Scene VII-1 - Jersey, Taking Care of Family Week 12
Scene - Melissa, Goodbye
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